Thomas Treloar:
Professor of Mathematics
Research Interests and Articles:
Sports Analytics, Ranking and Rating Methods
An iterative Markov rating method, Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, October 2020, (pdf)
A network diffusion ranking family that includes the methods of Markov, Massey, and Colley, Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 14, (2018), pp 91-101. (pdf)
Game Theory, Evolutionary Game Theory, Graph Topology, Dynamical Systems
Evolution of cooperation through the heterogeneity of random networks (with Stephen Devlin), Physical Review E, 79, 016107 (2009). (pdf)
Cooperation in an evolutionary prisoner's dilemma on networks with degree-degree correlations (with Stephen Devlin), Physical Review E, 80, 026105 (2009). (pdf)
Reply to ``Comment on ` Cooperation in an evolutionary prisoner's dilemma on networks with degree-degree correlations’” (with Stephen Devlin), Physical Review E, 82, 038102 (2010). (pdf)
Network-based criterion for success of cooperation in an evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma (with Stephen Devlin), Physical Review E, 86, 026113 (2012). (pdf)
Symplectic Geometry, Poisson Geometry, Moduli Spaces
The symplectic structure of polygons in the 3-sphere, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 54, (2002), pp 30-54. (link)
The symplectic structure of polygons in hyperbolic 3-space (with Michael Kapovich and John J. Millson), Asian Journal of Mathematics 4 (2000) (papers honoring the memory of K. Kodaira), pp 123-164. (link)
Integrable Hamiltonian systems on moduli spaces of polygonal linkages, Ph.D. Thesis - University of Maryland, College Park (2001). (pdf)
Classical Education
The Purpose of Mathematics in a Classical Education, The Imaginative Conservative, August 2012. (link)
Arithmetic: Leading the Mind Toward Truth, The Journal (A publication of the Society of Classical Learning), Fall 2013. (pdf)
Work In Progress: Sports Analytics and Disease Spread Models
A generating function approach to SIS and SIS-like disease spread models (with Stephen Devlin), in preparation.
Research and Professional Pages